Arthroscopic Treatment of Post-traumatic Stiff Shoulder by Rotator Interval Bridging Scar Adhesion: Case report |
Young-Mo Kim, M.D., Kwang-Jin Rhee M.D., Kyung-Cheon Kim, M.D., and Byung-Nam Byun, M.D. |
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, School of Medicine, Chungnam National University, Taejeon, Korea |
회전근 개 간격의 가교 반흔 유착에 의한 외상성 견관절 강직증의 관절경적 치료: 증례 보고 |
김영모, 이광진, 김경천, 변병남 |
충남대학교 의과대학 정형외과학교실 |
Abstract |
In adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder of no response to nonoperative treatment, an arthroscopic capsular release and manipulation improves range of motion and pain relief. We performed an arthroscopic examination in the stiff shoulder, of which she had no response to nonoperative treatment, after the conservative treatment of a clavicular shaft fracture by motorcycle-driver traffic accident. We found the intra-articular 'rotator interval bridging scar adhesion’between subscapularis tendon and antero-superior glenoid fossa under the rotator interval which was no adhesion and contracture itself. We performed the scar adhesion removal and synovectomy, maintaining the rotator interval. We recommended nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug for postoperative pain relief and continuous active and passive range of motion (ROM) exercise to gain motions. Preoperatively, active and passive range of motion were 70°for forward elevation, 60°for abduction and especially 0°for external rotation. After postoperative 2 months, active ROM were 150°for forward elevation, 130°for abduction and 80°for external rotation. After postoperative 6 months, passive and active ROM were full. UCLA score improved from preoperative 9 points to postoperative 29 points. |
Key Words:
Post-traumatic shoulder stiffness, Rotator interval bridging scar adhesion |