Tuberculous Osteomyelitis of the clavicle -A Case Report- |
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Seoul Adventist Hospital, Korea |
쇄골에 발생한 결핵성 골수염 - 1예 보고- |
홍기도, 하성식, 정남식, 심재천, 서세익 |
서울위생병원 정형외과 |
Abstract |
The 48 years old female who complained of painful swelling with discharge on the medial end of the left clavicle which has been lasting 3 months. We experienced arare case of tuberculosis that involved only the clavicle without other involvement. Diagnostic disturbance delayed appropriate medical therapy, leading to development of a discharging sinus with secondary infection, which further confused pathologic feature. The ability of this disease to mimic many skeletal pathologies, this has to be included in the differential diagnosis, especially at unusual sites. |
Key Words:
Clavicle, Tuberculous osteomyelitis |