J Korean Shoulder Elbow Soc Search


Clin Shoulder Elb > Volume 10(2); 2007 > Article
Journal of the Korean Shoulder and Elbow Society 2007;10(2):190-198.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5397/CiSE.2007.10.2.190    Published online December 31, 2007.
Total Elbow Arthroplasty after Failed Surgical Treatment for Elbow Fracture or Dislocation
Jin Woong Yi, Jun Ha Roh, Jong Hoon Song, Yong Girl Rhee
Shoulder & Elbow Clinic, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, School of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea. shoulderrhee@hanmail.net
주관절 골절 혹은 탈구의 실패한 수술적 치료 후 시행한 주관절 전 치환술의 결과
경희대학교 의과대학 정형외과학 교실
The current study reports the clinical results of total elbow arthroplasties (TEA) which were Performed on patients with poor clinical and radiological results after initial surgeries for elbow fractures or dislocations. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The clinical outcomes of twelve consecutive patients who underwent TEA after failed surgeries for elbow fractures or dislocations from january, 1995 to December, 2005 were evaluated. The initial diagnoses were distal humeral fractures in 8 cases and fracture-dislocations in 4 cases. The Mean period from the initial operations to the TEAs was 12 months. The mean folloow up period after TEA was 43 months.
The mean range of motion, in terms of active extension, activeflexion, supination, and pronation, improved from 14.2degrees, 96.7degrees, 50.8degrees and 53.3degrees to 5.4degrees, 122.1degrees, 63.3degrees and 67.5degrees, respectively (p<0.05).RAdiolucent lines were found in 3 cases, which were 1 case of type 3, and 2 cases of type 4. All three loosening cases underwent revision TEAs. The mean postoperative Mayo elvow performance score was 79 point. There were 6 cases of excellent, 2 cases of good, and 4 cases in poor.
Good clinical results were obtained after TEA performed in failed surgeries for elbow fractures of dislocations.
Key Words: Elbow; Fracture; Total elbow arthroplasty


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