Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis Mimiking the Bone Tumor of the Fossa Olecrani of Elbow in a 8-year-old Boy: A Case Report |
Sung Soo Kim, Sang Yup Lee, Min Geun Yoon, Young Hoon Seo, Myung Sang Moon |
Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology, Cheju Halla General Hospital, Jeju, Korea. mingy9879@gmail.com |
8세 남아에서 골종양을 닮은 주관절 색소 융모 결절성 활액막염 - 증례 보고 - |
김성수·이상엽·윤민근·서영훈·문명상 |
제주 한라병원 정형외과 |
Abstract |
Pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS) is a rare benign proliferative disorder that results in villous hyperplasia and nodule formation in the synovium, tendon sheath and bursa. That most commonly affects the knee and the hip joint in adult. PVNS of the hand, the wrist, the shoulder and the elbow is rare and that of the elbow in children is particularly rarer. An eight-year-old boy had his left elbow pain and a lesion like benign bone tumor in the left fossa olecrani on plain x-ray. During the operation, abnormal synovial hyperplasia in his left elbow joint led us to diagnose PVNS. Therefore, open curettage of the lesion and radical synovectomy was performed. The specimen of the synovectomized tissue revealed PVNS. The left elbow pain subsided after the operation and the child restored a full range of motion of his left elbow. We reported this rare case of PVNS in a child's elbow joint mimicking the bone tumor together with a review of the literature. |
Key Words:
Elbow; Child; PVNS; Mimicking bone tumor |