Clinical Application of Radial Head Prosthesis |
Jun Gyu Moon |
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Korea University Medical College, Korea. |
요골두 치환술의 임상적 적용 |
문 준 규 |
고려대학교 의과대학 정형외과학교실 |
Abstract |
PURPOSE Installing a radial head prosthesis has developed into a reliable procedure to replace the native radial head for treating unreconstructible radial head fracture when this is associated with an unstable elbow or forearm. A variety of implants have been developed and these are now commercially available. This article reviews the literature related to the indications, the available implants and the surgical techniques of radial head replacement arthroplasty.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The main indication for a metallic radial head prosthesis is a comminuted fracture that is not amenable to reconstruction, and particularly if it is associated with complex elbow injuries. Excision of the radial head should be avoided in the presence of combined injured ligaments or interosseous membrane injury. Three different implants are available in Korea, including the bipolar, press fit monopolar and loose fit monopolar radial head prostheses. A primary technical goal of radial head arthroplasty is the insertion of an implant that closely replicates the native radial head. The major pitfall when using a metallic radial head prosthesis is the insertion of a longer implant, which results in overstuffing of the radiocapitellar joint. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Satisfactory clinical results can be anticipated when a radial head prosthesis is used for the correct indications and when a systemic approach is undertaken to ensure proper sizing. For the future studies, we need data regarding the long term outcomes and comparison of the various types of prostheses. |
Key Words:
Radial head; Fracture; Replacement |