Arthroscopic Bankart Repair for Post-seizure Anterior Instabilities of Shoulder : 2 Cases Report |
Young Lae Moon, Hun Yang, Venkat Gorthi |
1Orthopaedic Department, Chosun University Hospital, Gwangju, Korea. 2Vizag Orthopaedics and Special Surgery, Vizag, India. |
전간 발작과 관련된 견관절 전방 불안정성 환자에서 시행한 관절경적 Bankart봉합술 - 2예 보고 - |
문영래·양 훈·Venkat Gorthi* |
조선대학교병원 정형외과, Vizag Orthopaedics and Special Surgery, Vizag, India* |
Abstract |
PURPOSE These case reports have been prepared to highlight the uncommon occurrence of anterior shoulder dislocation after an epileptic seizure, the recognition of which is important as this type of injury is associated with bony lesions and a high incidence of recurrence.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: We report two cases of recurrent anterior dislocation of the shoulder due to grand mal epilepsy. These cases were treated as usual anterior dislocations of the shoulder, and were regularly followed to detect any recurrence of shoulder instability. RESULTS Outcome of the surgery in the two cases was different because of the differences in seizure control. In the patient in whom seizures were well-controlled, there was no recurrence of instability, while the patient with poorly controlled seizures developed a recurrence of the dislocation following shoulder repair. CONCLUSION The authors emphasize the need to control seizures in order to prevent injury recurrence in this subset of patients. |
Key Words:
Shoulder; Anterior dislocation; Seizure; Recurrent; arthroscopic Bankart repair |